12 Amazing Cannabis Companion Plants That Enhance Growth

Beautiful garden

Imagine your garden as a vibrant gathering, where each plant plays a unique role in making the event a success. In this scenario, companion plants are the carefully selected guests who not only get along but also contribute to the well-being of others. With cannabis as the centerpiece, these companions enhance growth, deter pests, and naturally enrich the soil.

Think of marigolds as the garden’s security detail, keeping pests at bay, while basil adds a flavorful touch and supports cannabis growth. Lavender sweetens the air while fending off unwanted bugs, and mint, though energetic, needs its own space to avoid taking over.

As we dive into the world of these twelve companion plants, remember that a flourishing garden, like a great party, thrives on balance, teamwork, and a little fun. Let’s get to know the plants that will help your cannabis garden grow strong and healthy!

Close-Up Photography of Marigold Flower - companion plants
Close-Up Photography of Marigold Flower

1. Marigold: The Life of the Party

Benefits: Marigolds are not just about looks—they’re excellent at keeping pests like nematodes and insects away with their strong scent. Popular in companion planting, marigolds work well with vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and beans. Their bright flowers attract beneficial insects like pollinators and predators that help control harmful pests. Additionally, marigolds release chemicals that can improve soil health by suppressing harmful nematodes, making them a great natural ally in your garden.

Role in the Garden: Think of marigolds as the vibrant protectors of your garden. Their bright colors draw in beneficial insects, while their strong scent keeps pests at bay. By planting marigolds around your cannabis, you’re not just adding beauty; you’re creating a protective barrier that enhances growth and health. Their presence helps foster a thriving, balanced garden where your cannabis can flourish.

basil, herbs, food - companion plants
basil, herbs growing in a clay pot

2. Basil: The Flavorful Friend

Benefits: Basil isn’t just for the kitchen—it’s a garden protector that repels pests like thrips, flies, and mosquitoes with its strong aroma. Some gardeners also believe that basil can enhance the flavor and growth of nearby cannabis plants, creating a symbiotic relationship.

Role in the Garden: Imagine basil as the culinary maestro of your garden party, infusing the air with a rich aroma that keeps unwanted pests at bay while enhancing the overall flavor profile of your garden’s offerings. This aromatic herb not only deters pests but also attracts beneficial insects that help maintain a healthy garden ecosystem. By planting basil near your cannabis, you’re inviting a flavorful, protective presence that enriches both the growth and the taste of your plants.

bee, pollinating lavender flower - companion plants
bee, pollinating lavender flower

3. Lavender: The Aromatic Protector

Benefits: Lavender serves as a natural guardian in the garden, using its potent, calming scent to repel a variety of insects, such as moths, fleas, and mosquitoes, as well as mice. This makes it an ideal companion plant for cannabis, where it acts as a protective barrier, deterring unwanted pests from invading your garden. Beyond its pest-repelling properties, lavender also attracts beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are essential for a thriving garden ecosystem. Its presence can enhance the overall health and biodiversity of your garden, making it a valuable addition to any cannabis grow.

Role in the Garden: Picture lavender as the zen master of your garden, emanating a soothing aroma that not only calms the senses but also protects your cannabis plants. Its fragrant blooms serve as a natural deterrent against pests like insects and mice, creating a peaceful sanctuary for your garden. Lavender’s allure doesn’t stop there; it also attracts bees and other beneficial insects, promoting pollination and a healthy ecosystem.

Incorporating lavender into your cannabis garden is like bringing in a gentle yet powerful guardian. It ensures that your plants are protected, all while contributing to a thriving, balanced environment where every plant can flourish.

mint, herb, herbs - companion plants
mint, herb

4. Mint: The Energetic Neighbor

Benefits: Mint is a powerhouse in the garden, offering a range of benefits that go beyond its refreshing aroma. This herb is particularly effective at repelling pests such as aphids, flea beetles, ants, and even mosquitoes, making it a natural protector for your cannabis plants. Its strong scent confuses and deters these pests, reducing the chances of them settling on your plants. Additionally, mint can attract beneficial insects like hoverflies and predatory wasps, which help control other pest populations naturally. Its fast growth also makes it an excellent ground cover, helping to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture.

Mint is more than just a pest deterrent; it also enriches the garden environment. Its presence can improve the overall health of nearby plants, thanks to the beneficial microorganisms it supports in the soil. Some gardeners also believe that the aromatic oils released by mint can enhance the flavor and potency of neighboring plants, though this effect is more anecdotal than scientifically proven.

Role in the Garden: Mint is like an enthusiastic friend who always brings energy to the group. Its strong scent and vigorous growth help protect your cannabis plants from pests while contributing to a healthy garden ecosystem. However, to prevent it from taking over, it’s best to plant mint in containers, where it can thrive without overwhelming its neighbors. By giving mint a dedicated space, you can enjoy its benefits while maintaining balance in your garden.

Fresh dill on an old birch board - companion plants
Fresh dill on an old birch board

5. Dill: The Beneficial Insect Magnet

Benefits: Dill is a powerhouse in the garden, especially when it comes to protecting your cannabis plants. It attracts beneficial insects like wasps, ladybugs, and hoverflies, which are natural predators of common cannabis pests such as aphids, spider mites, and caterpillars. These insects help maintain a balanced ecosystem, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and ensuring your cannabis plants remain healthy and thriving. Dill also has its own pest-deterring abilities, particularly against spider mites and aphids, making it a dual-purpose ally in your garden.

Role in the Garden: Dill acts as the garden’s diplomat, inviting beneficial insects to the party while gently discouraging the unwelcome guests. Its presence creates a safer environment for your cannabis, naturally managing pest populations and promoting a healthy, balanced ecosystem. By planting dill near your cannabis, you’re not just adding another herb to your garden; you’re enhancing the overall health and resilience of your plants, ensuring they grow strong and pest-free.

chamomile, flowers, plant - companion plants
chamomile, flower background, flowers

6. Chamomile: The Garden’s Barista

Benefits: Chamomile is like a garden barista, serving up benefits that improve the flavor and vigor of your cannabis plants. It attracts beneficial insects like hoverflies and ladybugs, which help control pests naturally. Additionally, chamomile enhances the essential oil production of nearby plants, potentially increasing the aromatic and therapeutic properties of your cannabis.

Role in the Garden: Chamomile creates a soothing and supportive environment, much like a friendly barista who knows exactly how you like your coffee. Its presence boosts the overall health of the garden by attracting helpful insects and improving soil health. For cannabis, chamomile acts as a companion that not only protects but also enhances the quality of the yield, making every plant feel nurtured and cared for.

Bright yellow, orange sunflower flower on sunflower field. Beautiful rural landscape of sunflower - companion plants
Bright yellow, orange sunflower flower on sunflower field. Beautiful rural landscape of sunflower

7. Sunflowers: The Towering Friends

Benefits: Sunflowers serve as natural trellises, providing support for climbing cannabis plants while attracting beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies to your garden. Additionally, these towering plants act as decoys by drawing pests away from your cannabis, ensuring that your prized plants remain healthy and pest-free.

Role in the Garden: Picture sunflowers as the benevolent giants of your garden. They not only add visual height and a splash of sunshine but also contribute significantly to the ecosystem. By guiding pollinators to your plants and acting as sacrificial decoys for pests, sunflowers ensure that your cannabis plants can grow in peace, supported by these towering friends. Incorporating sunflowers into your cannabis garden fosters a protective and vibrant environment where every plant can thrive.

Chives in basket - companion plants
Chives in basket

8. Chives: The Mild-Mannered Guardian

Benefits: Chives act as natural insect repellents and help prevent powdery mildew, making them excellent companions for cannabis. Their presence can deter a variety of pests while simultaneously bolstering the health of nearby plants by reducing the risk of fungal infections.

Role in the Garden: Think of chives as the quiet guardians of your garden. Their slender, green stalks might seem unassuming, but they pack a powerful punch when it comes to protection. Chives’ gentle onion-like aroma wards off unwanted insects, subtly signaling to pests that this is not the place to linger. Additionally, their natural antifungal properties help keep powdery mildew at bay, ensuring your cannabis plants remain healthy and vibrant. Adding chives to your garden is like bringing in a mild-mannered but effective protector—one that quietly ensures the safety and well-being of your cannabis, all while providing you with flavorful herbs to use in your kitchen.

Clover - companion plants

9. Clover: The Groundkeeper

Benefits: Clover acts as a living mulch and natural nitrogen fixer, enriching the soil for cannabis plants. It also attracts beneficial insects. As a cover crop, clover also helps suppress weeds and maintain soil moisture, creating a favorable environment for cannabis to thrive. Clover’s ability to improve soil health makes it a valuable companion plant in any garden.

Role in the Garden: Think of clover as the dedicated groundkeeper, quietly working beneath the surface to create the perfect foundation for your cannabis plants. It covers the soil with a lush green layer, conserving moisture and keeping weeds at bay. But clover’s true strength lies in its ability to fix nitrogen, transforming this essential nutrient into a form that enriches the soil and feeds your cannabis. Additionally, clover’s small, sweet flowers attract beneficial insects, making it a crucial player in maintaining a balanced and thriving garden ecosystem. Incorporating clover into your cannabis garden is like hiring an eco-friendly gardener who ensures everything runs smoothly from the ground up.

Field with blooming alfalfa, woman hands touching plant. - companion plants
Field with blooming alfalfa, woman’s hands touching plant.

10. Alfalfa: The Nurturer

Benefits: Alfalfa is the garden’s nurturer, fixing nitrogen in the soil and providing essential minerals. Its deep roots improve soil structure and promote moisture retention, making the soil more hospitable for cannabis roots. Alfalfa’s nurturing nature ensures that the garden remains fertile and supportive of all plant life.

Role in the Garden: Picture alfalfa as the nurturing presence in your garden, working quietly to improve the foundation upon which your cannabis plants thrive. Its deep roots penetrate and aerate the soil, drawing up nutrients that might otherwise remain out of reach for other plants. Alfalfa acts like a natural fertilizer, leaving the soil richer and more fertile, ensuring that your cannabis enjoys a steady supply of essential nutrients. Moreover, alfalfa helps retain moisture in the soil, creating a more consistent growing environment. By adding alfalfa to your garden, you’re inviting a plant that not only supports the growth of cannabis but also enhances the overall health and balance of your garden’s ecosystem.

Blooming Common Yarrow - companion plants
Blooming Common Yarrow

11. Yarrow: The Aromatic Artist

Benefits: Yarrow is the garden’s resident artist, enhancing the aromatic properties of nearby plants like cannabis. It attracts beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs and improves soil health. It also enhances the aromatic properties of cannabis through its volatile oils, improving the overall health and fragrance of your garden, making it an essential companion plant. Yarrow’s presence in the garden creates a balanced ecosystem where cannabis can thrive alongside other plants.

Role in the Garden: Imagine yarrow as the garden’s resident artist, expertly crafting an environment rich in color, scent, and balance. With its feathery leaves and clusters of tiny, colorful flowers, yarrow is not only visually appealing but also functional, acting as a magnet for beneficial insects that help keep pests at bay. These insects, drawn by yarrow’s allure, play crucial roles in pollination and pest control, ensuring that your cannabis plants grow strong and healthy.

Yarrow’s influence extends beyond just attracting helpful critters. Its roots dive deep into the soil, bringing up nutrients that benefit neighboring plants, including cannabis. Moreover, yarrow’s volatile oils subtly enhance the aroma and possibly the terpene profile of cannabis, making it a valuable companion for those looking to grow aromatic, flavorful plants.

Incorporating yarrow into your cannabis garden is like inviting a master perfumer to your garden party, one who not only decorates the space with beautiful, fragrant blooms but also enriches the air with scents that bolster the health and vitality of your plants. Yarrow transforms your garden into a living work of art, where each plant contributes to the overall beauty and harmony of the ecosystem.

Lemongrass growing healthily on the ground in the garden / backyard - companion plants
Lemongrass growing healthily on the ground in the garden/backyard

12. Lemongrass: The Citrus Sentinel

Benefits: Lemongrass, with its strong citrus scent, repels mosquitoes and other pests while enhancing the flavors of cannabis. It stands tall in the garden, protecting your plants and adding a refreshing aroma to the air. Lemongrass’s ability to deter pests and improve the garden’s microclimate makes it a valuable addition to any cannabis garden.

Role in the Garden: Picture lemongrass as the vigilant sentinel of your garden, standing tall with a refreshing citrus aroma that both invigorates and protects. This plant is more than just a culinary herb; it’s a botanical guardian, using its zesty scent to keep unwanted pests at bay while adding a touch of tropical flair to your cannabis garden.

Lemongrass, with its tall, graceful stalks and lemony fragrance, serves as a natural barrier against mosquitoes and other pests that might otherwise harm your plants. It’s as though lemongrass holds a lemon-scented torch, casting a protective light that keeps both shadows and pests at a safe distance.

Beyond its role as a pest deterrent, lemongrass is also believed to subtly enhance the flavors of cannabis. Its citrusy presence enriches the garden’s atmosphere, contributing to a vibrant, healthful microclimate that benefits all plants within its reach.

Incorporating lemongrass into your cannabis garden is akin to inviting a cheerful and protective guardian. Its presence not only safeguards but also uplifts the entire space, creating an environment where every plant can thrive in harmony under the watchful care of this citrus sentinel.

Smiling young african american man holding potted plant while gardening in backyard - cannabis companion planting
Smiling young African American man holding potted plant while gardening in the backyard – cannabis companion plant

Considerations for Companion Planting with Cannabis

Embarking on the companion planting journey with your cannabis garden is like curating the perfect guest list for a harmonious party. It’s about creating a vibrant ecosystem where every plant contributes to the collective well-being. Here are some vital considerations to ensure your cannabis and its companions thrive together:

1. Space and Light Management

  • Remember, every plant loves its personal space and sunbathe. Ensure your companion plants complement rather than compete with cannabis for sunlight. Think of it as arranging guests around a table, making sure everyone gets a slice of the cake—or in this case, the sunshine.

2. Water and Nutrient Needs

  • Just like people have different appetites, plants have varied water and nutrient requirements. Match your cannabis with companions that have similar thirst and hunger levels to prevent any garden party disputes over the buffet of soil nutrients.

3. Pest Management Balance

  • While many companions deter pests, some might roll out the welcome mat for others. It’s crucial to monitor your garden’s ecosystem, ready to tweak the guest list if one plant inadvertently invites troublemakers.

4. Harmonious Growth

  • Some plants just get along better than others. Research and observe how your chosen companions interact. Are they boosting each other’s growth, or is one overshadowing the other? Adjust your garden’s layout as needed, ensuring everyone grows together in harmony.

5. Seasonal Considerations

  • Keep in mind the growing seasons of your companion plants cannabis. You want to avoid inviting a summer-loving basil to a fall harvest party. Timing is key to maintaining a balanced and productive garden ecosystem.

6. Soil Health and Structure

  • Companions like clover and alfalfa can improve soil health, but it’s essential to consider the overall impact on soil structure and composition. Aim for a mix that supports the root health of both your cannabis and its companions.

Companion planting is a bit like hosting a garden soirée, where every plant brings something unique to the table, contributing to a vibrant, healthy, and productive ecosystem. By considering these aspects, you’ll ensure that your cannabis plants and their companions can coexist in a beautifully balanced garden party that celebrates diversity, cooperation, and mutual growth.

Conclusion: Cultivating Connections – Your Garden’s Social Network

As we’ve journeyed through the garden, introducing you to the vibrant personalities that make up the ideal cannabis companion planting party, it’s clear that gardening is much more than just putting plants in the soil. It’s about fostering relationships and creating a living community where each plant plays a part in the others’ success. From the towering sunflowers to the nurturing alfalfa, every companion brings something special to the table—or, in this case, the garden bed.

Think of your garden as a social network, where connections between plants lead to a thriving ecosystem full of life, flavor, and harmony. The marigolds, basil, lavender, and all their friends are ready to support your cannabis plants, offering protection, nutrients, and even a boost in flavor, all while keeping the party vibes positive and pests at a minimum.

Now, it’s your turn to play host. With the insights and introductions provided, you’re well-equipped to curate your cannabis garden’s guest list, ensuring a lively mix of companions that will make your garden the talk of the neighborhood—both above and below the soil.

Join the Garden Party

We encourage you to roll up your sleeves and explore the exciting world of companion planting. Share your stories of triumphs and lessons learned—did your sunflowers stand tall as guardians of your garden? Did your basil plants bring out the best in your cannabis flavor? Your experiences enrich our community and inspire other gardeners to cultivate their own green connections.

Gardening is more than a hobby; it’s an adventure and a journey of discovery, connection, and growth. Let’s keep the conversation alive and growing. Join us on our blog, social media, or even at our next community event. Together, we can create gardens that are not only productive but also vibrant ecosystems, celebrating the beauty of collaboration and diversity.

For more insights into creating a thriving garden, check out our article on Advanced Cannabis Training Techniques. Let’s grow gardens that shine with diversity and thrive with mutual support. Happy planting, and may your garden be the talk of every season!

Additional Resources:

  1. Grow That Sh!t Better by Maximus Reigns – An essential eBook for both novice and experienced growers, offering advanced techniques and tips for improving cannabis cultivation.
  2. Cannabis Growers’ Handbook by Ed Rosenthal – A comprehensive guide that covers all aspects of growing cannabis, from setup to harvest.
  3. Royal Queen Seeds Blog – A rich resource for growers, featuring articles on growing techniques, strain information, and more.
  4. Leafly Grow Guide – Offers detailed guides and articles on various aspects of cannabis cultivation, including troubleshooting and optimization.
  5. Grow Weed Easy – A website dedicated to providing step-by-step guides and resources for growing cannabis at home.

These resources will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to take your cannabis cultivation to the next level. By continuously expanding your knowledge and refining your techniques, you can ensure a successful and rewarding growing experience.


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